Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Have You Ever Desperately Needed...

to reach down while ysitting at your computer and touch your dog? Stroke his head? Let him slobber on your hand? Be comforted by his presence?

I need my Winslow....

He looses me at the park almost every day. I walk down to my people pack at the far end of the park while he and Beauford garbage hunt along the fence line in the agility area. It's completely overgrown with prairie plants taller than I am and they (the hounds) completely disappear from sight. Every day he works his way out of the agility area, stands out on the trail with his nose in the air, looking around, not anxious, just wondering where the hell "she" has gone and every day I stand up at the picnic table, wave my arms in the air and do the Winslow cattle call. His head goes up and he looks around. He finally locates the source of all the noise, stares at me like "Can it be"? and then.... He takes off like a little locomotive, ears flying, chops flapping, barking all the way, running as fast as his stubby legs will take him to where I'm standing hollering "Woooooo hoooooooooo..... Wooooooo hoooooooo....." He sails in, ducks under my hand, looks up like "There you are!" and then goes about his business harassing Henry or laying under the table in the shade, calm, cool and collected. Enjoying life.

I need my Winslow right now....

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