Monday, March 15, 2010

Such Sweet Memories

Rooster 1999 - 2010, Mac 1997 - 2009, Badger 2002 - 2010

My sister Megan and her husband Paul choose to have the 4 legged variety of children, not two legged. With the great joy that comes with these children also comes grief, sometimes sooner than expected and sometimes after a lengthy illness. Thank God for people like my sister and her husband because although they grieve and suffer from the loss of a beloved pet they adopt again and again, providing homes to those who cannot provide for themselves. Love those who only goal in life is to provide love and joy with no expectations in return. To provide play to those who leap with unboundless energy until the years slow them to painful shuffles and dimmed views of the world around them. Thank you Megan and Paul, for all you have done for the "lost" of this world. Humanties soul would be emptier without you.

Rooster: A true couch potato, he chattered his teeth with love, smiled always, and nuzzled your neck like you were the best thing in the world.

Mac: Rescued from the Mackinaw River. Mac ran along the bank of the river frantically barking at a group of teenagers out for an afternoon tube float. When the river swept them further than Mac could follow he leaped into the water to follow them, barking, barking, barking, frantically barking. Mac was swept up by the current and pinned against a wall of fallen trees where he would have surely drowned had not one of the boys jumped into the water and pulled him to safety. When his journey brought him to Megan and Paul he was matted to the skin, filthy from river water and nearly starved to death. They nursed him back to health down a rocky road but thrive he did, he had reached his haven, his home, where he lived the rest of his days in comfort.

Badger: Badger came from the Humane Society. My oldest daughter, Barb, had a bit to do with his arrival at the Thimmigs. Megan, Paul and Barb had decided to go do a "stroll" thru the Humane Society kennels on a Sunday afternoon. There, in the biggest kennel, because Badger was a BIG dog, was this WOLF, standing there with his tongue lolling out, grinning and occasionally barking. He had been returned to the HS 3 times because he was "too big". Barb needled Megan and Paul that this was the dog for them, you have to have him, come on, take him home! They already had several dogs at home and felt they couldn't handle another. They left without Badger but Paul (dear Paul) went back on a daily basis to take him a Big Mac 'cause he was a lonely dog, being at the Humane Society and all.... After a week of Big Macs it was decided it would be cheaper to feed him at home than to continue catering Micky D's to the HS. And so Badger was added to the pack with great fan fare.

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